
Cyflawni prosesau caffael hyblyg ac effeithlon sy'n annog cyfranogiad eang ac sy'n agored ac yn hygyrch i bawb.

Cofiwch addasu gweithgareddau i'ch cyd-destun lleol, a chymryd ymagweddau sy'n gymesur â gwerth, risg, cymhlethdod a phroffil eich gofynion bob amser. 


  1. 1 Deall yn glir anghenion eich defnyddwyr a rhanddeiliaid eraill.

    Er mwyn sicrhau bod y nwyddau neu'r gwasanaethau cywir yn cael eu caffael, a bod contract gwella perfformiad a galluogi yn cael ei ddyfarnu i'r cyflenwr(wyr) cywir, mae'n hanfodol siarad â'ch defnyddwyr a rhanddeiliaid eraill i ddeall eu hanghenion. Peidiwch â gwneud rhagdybiaethau.

  2. 2 Efallai bod gan eich sefydliad yr ateb i'ch gofyniad eisoes.

    Gwiriwch a ellir bodloni eich gofynion drwy ailddefnyddio neu ailgylchu nwyddau neu wasanaethau presennol, neu drwy ddefnyddio contract neu gytundeb fframwaith sy’n bodoli eisoes, cyn bwrw ymlaen â chaffael newydd.

  3. 3 Ymgysylltu â'r farchnad.

    Trwy weithio'n agos gyda darpar gyflenwyr, datblygwch eich gofynion i sicrhau bod y farchnad darged yn gallu eu bodloni. Profwch eich gofynion gyda chyflenwyr i sicrhau eu bod yn deall yr hyn sydd ei angen arnoch ac felly gwella'r gystadleuaeth.

  4. 4 Gall Busnes Cymru eich helpu i ddod o hyd i gyflenwyr posibl.

    Y tîm hwnin the Welsh Government supports public sector buyers and suppliers to come together. Talk to them to understand how they can help you to encourage more constructive engagement, and greater competition and innovation.

  5. 5 Gall cystadleuaeth ac arloesi arwain at ganlyniadau gwell.

    Look beyond existing suppliers and actively engage new suppliers for each procurement. Competition encourages innovation and improves the likelihood of achieving well-being impact and social value for money objectives in line with the Future Generations goals , the  Wales procurement policy statement and Wales Procurement Policy Notices.

5 peth ydych chi angen eu gwybod

5 Pethau i'w gwybod dyfrnod cefndir

Dechrau Arni

Dylai eich briff neu fanyleb gynnwys y canlynol o leiaf:

Dangos popeth Cuddio pob adran
Developing the business need Dangos cuddio

When you are developing your business need you should consider the following:

  • What is your user need and the capacity and capability of the supply market?
  • What are your measurable, realistic and relevant success criteria based on the scale and intricacy of the procurement?
  • How complex is your requirement?
  • What are the risks and their impact with regards to this procurement?
  • Do you need to carry out a Delivery Model Assessment?
  • How to formulate relevant and proportional Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


Adnoddau Defnyddiol:

Cabinet Office Delivery Model Assessment

Assessing the market Dangos cuddio

All outsourcing activities should build in market assessment early in the process. Commercial professionals should then re-assess the market throughout the contract life as early identification of weaknesses can help you prepare for the re-procurement.

When assessing the market, you should think about:

  • Who are the suppliers in the market that can meet your requirements?
  • Is there a monopoly/ oligopoly or market dominance?
  • Are suppliers local or national? If you are buying goods/ services that need to be delivered at location, consider where the goods/ contractors come from and can you minimise your carbon footprint by buying locally.
  • Is this requirement suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)/ voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs) and if so are there suppliers that are classified as such that can deliver your goods/ services?
  • Some services will need to be delivered in Welsh and English, can suppliers of your required service be able to meet this need?
  • If you have identified weaknesses, can you restructure your requirement to increase competition? For example, breaking down the requirement to make it more accessible to SMEs.
  • To get a detailed view of your market you can engage with Business Wales, Welsh Government Commercial and Delivery team and Crown Commercial Service (CCS).
  • If you have identified substantial competition issues, you can contact the Competition and Markets Authority for advice.


Adnoddau Defnyddiol:

Busnes Cymru

Directory of Welsh Businesses

Market consultation and engagement Dangos cuddio

Market consultation and engagement is sometimes avoided by procurement and commercial professionals in the fear of affecting future competition. However, market engagement can be hugely beneficial to the buyers, as long as it is done in line with the Regulation 40 of the PCR 2015 and with the principles of fairness, transparency and proportionality in mind. The process of market engagement can help you develop a better understanding of the feasibility of your requirement, alternative options and market capacity and capability.

When you are carrying out market engagement you should consider the following:

  • Actively seek out suppliers that you think can not only deliver the service but improve it.
  • Ensure you engage with SMEs and VCSEs, as well as larger suppliers, to ensure you maximise your competition.
  • Share your approach to pricing, including how you will work inflation into your pricing.
  • Consider social value as part of your engagement. Speak to the market about how they can support you in meeting the Well-being of Future Generation Goals.
  • Test your procurement strategy with the market, including how you wish to evaluate bids, what a good response might look like. Early sight of evaluation will give suppliers more time to respond to tenders and increases the likelihood of better responses.

Adnoddau defnyddiol:

WRAP Cymru Sustainable Procurement Early Market Engagement Guidance

CCS’s How to carry out early market engagement successfully – Procurement Essentials

Regulation 40, The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 – Preliminary Market Consultations

WPPN 01/20 Social value clauses/community benefits through public procurement

Development of the sourcing strategy Dangos cuddio

Your sourcing strategy development should occur alongside market engagement. As you engage with suppliers you can tweak your strategy based on capacity of the market, the suppliers who can provide the service and the pricing model most suited to the service. Your sourcing strategy should include everything mentioned in “Developing the business need”, “Assessing the market” and “Market consultation and engagement”.


Dyfrnod cefndir tân cyflym


Cylch Caffael a Chyflenwi CIPS

Mae'r 'Cylch Caffael a Chyflenwi' a ddatblygwyd gan y Sefydliad Siartredig Caffael a Chyflenwi (CIPS) yn cynnwys 13 cam i'ch arwain drwy'r broses gaffael ar gyfer nwyddau a gwasanaethau. 

Byddwch eisoes wedi dechrau ar weithgareddau sy’n gyson â’r camau canlynol yn ystod y cam ‘Cynllun’, a byddwch nawr yn adeiladu ar y rhain yn fwy sylweddol: 

  1. Diffinio anghenion busnes a datblygu manyleb; 
  2. Mdadansoddi arket a gwneud neu brynu penderfyniad; a
  3. Datblygu'r strategaeth a'r cynllun.


Mae'r camau canlynol o'r 'Cylch Caffael a Chyflenwi' CIPS ymwneud agosaf â cham 'Diffinio' y daith gaffael. 

  1. Profi marchnad cyn caffael;
  2. Datblygu dogfennaeth a manyleb fanwl; a
  3. Dewis cyflenwyr i gymryd rhan mewn tendr.
Dyfrnod cefndir tân cyflym

Sero Net

Mae cyflawni sero net drwy gaffael cyhoeddus yn golygu ymagwedd strategol drwy gydol y cylch bywyd masnachol

  • Adeiladu ar ymchwil a dadansoddi a wnaethoch yn ystod cam 'Cynllun' y daith gaffael. Nodi anghenion defnyddwyr a sut mae'r rhain yn cyd-fynd ag amcanion sero net, ac asesu'r farchnad i ddeall argaeledd a chynaliadwyedd y nwyddau neu'r gwasanaethau sydd eisiau.
  • Mae'r cam hwn hefyd yn cynnwys ymgysylltu gweithredol â'r farchnad a rhanddeiliaid eraill - gwaith hanfodol ar gyfer deall eu gallu i gyflawni nodau sero net, ac ar gyfer meithrin perthnasoedd cydweithredol.
  • Mae diffinio strategaeth gyrchu yn rhan allweddol o'r cam hwn, a dylid adeiladu ar yr ystyriaethau cynnar o'r cyfnod cynllunio.

Diffiniwch eich strategaeth cyrchu, er mwyn:

  • Gwella'r effaith gymdeithasol, diwylliannol, amgylcheddol ac economaidd, ar les;
  • Alinio â strategaethau, blaenoriaethau a pholisïau adrannol a sefydliadol, gan gynnwys y rhai sy’n perthyn i Lywodraeth Cymru; a
  • Cefnogi Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015, ac egwyddorion Datganiad Polisi Caffael Cymru.

Dylai eich strategaeth gyrchu hefyd ganolbwyntio ar weithio gyda marchnad ymatebol, yn enwedig i annog a chefnogi busnesau yng Nghymru i sicrhau agwedd gyfannol tuag at gynaliadwyedd a thwf economaidd. Mae'r ymagwedd gynhwysfawr hon yn integreiddio amcanion sero net yn ddi-dor i'r broses gaffael.

Dyfrnod cefndir adran Net Sero


Rydym wedi dod ag amrywiaeth o adnoddau ynghyd i’ch cefnogi ar bob cam o’ch taith caffael.

Ewch i'r dolenni isod i weld yr adnoddau sy'n berthnasol i'r cam hwn.

Nesaf - Caffael