Gweithio gyda chyflenwyr a rheoli'r contract i sicrhau bod canlyniadau cytundebol yn cael eu cyflawni'n llwyddiannus.
Cofiwch addasu gweithgareddau i'ch cyd-destun lleol, a chymryd ymagweddau sy'n gymesur â gwerth, risg, cymhlethdod a phroffil eich gofynion bob amser.
Pan gaiff ei wneud yn dda, gall rheoli contractau ychwanegu gwerth gwirioneddol.
Mae manteision rheoli contract yn dda yn cynnwys dim syrpreis neu gostau cynyddol, prosesau mwy effeithlon, rheoli newid yn haws, prosesau cyson a’r gallu i feithrin perthnasoedd cryfach â chyflenwyr. Mae'r tri phrif gam lefel uchel o reoli contract yn cwmpasu: symud (ar y dechrau), gweithredu (dros oes y contract) ac ymadael (tuag at y diwedd).
Mae angen rheolwr contract ar bob contract.
Dylai'r rheolwr contract fod yn glir ynghylch beth yw ei gyfrifoldebau ar bob contract. Dylai rheolwyr contract achub ar bob cyfle i gasglu adborth, y gellir ei ddarparu mewn sawl ffordd ac nad oes rhaid iddo fod yn ffurfiol. Gwneud y gorau o gyfarfodydd wyneb yn wyneb a chymunedau ar-lein i gael adborth gwell; y gwell mewnwelediadau sydd gennych, y gorau fydd eich contractau a'ch caffaeliadau yn y dyfodol.
Dylech geisio cadw amrywiadau ac estyniadau contract i'r lleiafswm.
Mae amrywiadau ac estyniadau yn eithriadol a dylid eu cadw mor isel â phosibl. Dim ond lle na fyddai'r newidiadau a wnewch yn newid y contract gwreiddiol yn sylweddol y dylent ddigwydd. Os bydd angen i chi amrywio gofynion eich contract a/neu ymestyn hyd y contract gwreiddiol, efallai y bydd angen i chi ymgymryd ag ymarfer caffael newydd.
Gallwch gasglu'r gwersi a ddysgwyd ar unrhyw gam o'r daith gaffael.
Capturing lessons learned early, often and throughout the procurement journey supports continuous improvement. Asking the right questions leads to better feedback: “What worked well?”, “What didn’t work well?” and “What would you do differently in the future?”.
Dylid cynllunio ar gyfer ymadael a'i reoli'n rhagweithiol o'r cychwyn cyntaf.
Dylai cymhlethdod contractau unigol ddiffinio cyfnod cymesur pan fydd y cynllun ymadael yn cael ei ddeddfu. Mae cynlluniau ymadael fel arfer yn cynnwys ystyriaethau ar gyfer parhad gwasanaeth, diogelwch data a phreifatrwydd, trosglwyddo gwybodaeth a dogfennau, pobl a chostau. Dylid adolygu'r cynlluniau hyn o bryd i'w gilydd neu pan fydd newid sylweddol yn digwydd.
5 peth ydych chi angen eu gwybod
Dechrau Arni
Prif bethau i’w hystyried
Bydd y cam hwn o’r daith gaffael fel arfer yn cynnwys:
- Rheoli a monitro contractau a chysylltiadau cyflenwyr;
- Derbyn a thalu am nwyddau a gwasanaethau;
- Addasu contractau (os oes angen); a
- Contractau cau a gadael.
Other activities not covered here, but should be considered, include constructively managing and resolving disputes, benchmarking, supplier relationship management, internal client / stakeholder relationship management, and business continuity.
Remember to adapt activities to your organisational context, and always take approaches that are proportionate to the value, risk, complexity and profile of your requirements.
Contract managers within Welsh public sector organisations can develop their contract management knowledge through the Cabinet Office’s Contract Management Capability Programme. To find out more about the contract management training visit the Helping you manage contracts and suppliers a Government Commercial Function Contract Management Capability Programme: Foundation and Beyond Foundation training tudalennau.
All outsourced projects should be overseen by an appropriately qualified contract manager. The contract manager needs to have an understanding of the contract they are managing. At a minimum, the contract manager should know the following:
- Contract start and end dates, and any extension options.
- Type of contract (e.g. UK Government’s Model Services Contract, Short Form Contract, Call-off contract from a framework agreement or Dynamic Purchasing System).
- Deliverables of the supplier – what is the supplier required to deliver specifically for this contract, when, and to what standard to be acceptable.
- Charging model (time and materials (T&M)/ milestone payments/ fixed monthly payments etc.).
- Supplier obligations – what is the supplier contractually obliged to do and when.
- Buyer obligations – what is the Buyer organisation obliged to do and when.
- If applicable, check Carbon Reduction Plans after 12 months (following the guidance set out in WPPN 06/21).
- Dispute resolution and rectification process.
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and other metrics to be monitored and reported (for example, evidencing Social Value delivery and wellbeing impacts).
Contract management should be a proportional approach dependent on the risk and value profile of the contract. Some contracts, those that present the most operational and / or reputational risk and are of high value, will require closer management and may need a strategic supplier relationship manager assigned, whilst other non-critical services may require a light touch approach. The contract manager should assess each contract and decide the level of contract management to be applied at the start of each contract. The contract management approach should be reviewed throughout the contract life and adapted to any changing circumstance, as and when required.
Dolenni defnyddiol:
UK Government Model Services Contract
Cabinet Office Model Services Contract Guidance
Typical activities at this stage of the procurement journey include:
- Understanding the practicalities of how the service is delivered.
- Governance of the contract lifecycle with proper oversight and approval processes in place.
- Day-to-day contract management and contract administration.
- Ensuring the supplier provides an exit plan in line with any contractually agreed milestones and deadlines, reviewing and updating the exit plan on a regular basis. The timescales for this should be relevant to the complexity and length of the contract.
- Ongoing risk assessments on the contract, supplier and the relevant market.
- Minimising dispute occurrences and managing dispute resolutions using contractual and non-contractual processes and levers.
- Proactively, constructively and collaboratively managing supplier performance through a predefined review, reporting and meeting process.
- In cases of business/ operation critical services, strategic relationship and supply chain management.
When your service is implemented and you have set up a contract management process, you should start to monitor the delivery against the supplier’s obligations. This will be different for each contract and could be delivery of products on time, delivery of services against milestones, delivery of services against objectives, amongst others.
Don’t forget that managing a contract is a two-way process. Whilst you should ensure the supplier is delivering what was promised within their tender, as a contract manager, you should ensure that the supplier is paid any undisputed sums on time.
As a public sector buyer, follow the Welsh Government Prompt Payment Policy trawiadol a Project bank account policy, and aim to pay your suppliers within five working days of receiving a correct invoice. This will help small businesses and social enterprises working with you as it provides a timely cash flow. The prompt payment policy can be extended to supply chains through contractual arrangements with your prime suppliers.
Typical activities at this stage of the procurement journey include:
- Regular contract management meetings with your supplier. The cadence of meetings should be proportionate to the size and complexity of the contract.
- Monitoring of performance against contractual KPIs.
- Ensuring prompt payment to the supplier and within the supply chain.
- Using an appropriate risk and issues register, record, assess and manage risks and issues.
- Work with stakeholders and suppliers to identify and implement continuous improvement opportunities.
Contract changes can be reasonably required through their lifetime, which can be managed through contractual change processes. The PCR 2015, and the new Procurement Act 2023, incorporate rules on contract changes, and there are different transparency requirements between the two regimes (see the ‘Procurement Reform’ section of the Cyd website for more information on this).
Things to remember about contract/ framework changes include:
- Consider the circumstances where contract changes may be required, and include these potential changes in the contract. This will allow you to make changes that have been provided for in the contract, during the term of the contract.
- Changes, irrespective of value, cannot substantially change the original scope and nature of the contract.
- Major contract changes you couldn’t have been foreseen through due diligence can’t exceed 50% of the original contract value.
- Minor changes can be made when they do not change the nature of the contract/ framework and do not exceed 10% (goods or services) or 15% (works) of the original contract value.
- Changes should be approved by appropriate people in your organisation before they are enacted, for example the contract manager and the budget holder, and any governance arrangements that need to be followed.
Typical activities at this stage of the procurement journey include:
- Set up an appropriate contractual change control process which allows you to maintain an audit trail, changes are enacted and changes represent value for money.
- Keep a record of changes made to the contract through Contract Change Notices.
- Monitor contract value, ensuring changes do not exceed the legal limits.
- Set up a change control register and use it to monitor and record all stages of the contract change process, from initiation to sign off.
Contracts are closed and exited through efficient exit management processes. Exit management is required to ensure a smooth handover from the existing supplier to the alternative provision (whether outsourced or insourced), and to collect lessons learned from your current provision, which are used to improve future services.
Typical activities at this stage of the procurement journey include:
- Use the Exit Plan provided by the supplier to ensure all exit activities are completed and the exit costs are adhered to.
- Understand the cost of re-procuring the service.
- Be aware of any rights and provisions that extend beyond the contract, including Intellectual Property, data retention and others.
Cylch Caffael a Chyflenwi CIPS
Mae'r 'Cylch Caffael a Chyflenwi' a ddatblygwyd gan y Sefydliad Siartredig Caffael a Chyflenwi (CIPS) yn cynnwys 13 cam i'ch arwain drwy'r broses gaffael ar gyfer nwyddau a gwasanaethau.
Byddwch eisoes wedi cwblhau gweithgareddau sy'n gyson â chamau 1 – 9 yn ystod camau 'Cynllunio', 'Diffinio' a 'Chaffael' y daith gaffael.
Mae'r camau canlynol o'r 'Cylch Caffael a Chyflenwi' CIPS ymwneud agosaf â cham 'Rheoli' y daith gaffael:
- Warws, Logisteg a Derbynneb;
- Perfformiad a Gwelliant Contractau;
- Rheoli Perthynas Cyflenwyr; a
- Rheoli Asedau.
Sero Net
Rydych chi nawr mewn perthynas newydd gyda'ch partner cyflenwi dewisol. Gwneud i bob diwrnod gyfrif tuag at gyflawni’r saith nod llesiant, gan ddefnyddio’r pum ffordd o weithio
Drwy gydol oes rheoli contractau cyhoeddus, mae'n hanfodol monitro a gwerthuso perfformiad a chynnydd tuag at sicrhau Cymru fwy cyfartal, mwy cynaliadwy a mwy llewyrchus, gan gyflawni'r nod. rhwymedigaeth gyfreithiol i wella llesiant cymdeithasol, diwylliannol, amgylcheddol ac economaidd. Mae hyn yn dechrau gyda’r cam cynnull, ac yn parhau drwy’r gweithred hyd at ymadael â’r contract.
Bydd hyn yn helpu i:
- Cyrraedd targed Sero Net Llywodraeth Cymru erbyn 2030;
- Cefnogi adferiad gwyrdd;
- Ysgogi mwy o werth cymdeithasol trwy gyflawni effeithiau llesiant yn fwy cyson; a
- Cyfrannu at yr uchelgais a rennir ar gyfer Cymru o Waith Teg.
Mae llwyddiant wrth gyflawni'r nodau hyn, waeth beth fo gwerth y contract, yn cael ei wella trwy gynnal perthnasoedd adeiladol, cydweithredol a rhagweithiol gyda phartneriaid cyflenwi trwy gydol cyfnod y contract.
Dogfennu straeon newid – cyflawniadau cynyddrannol a gwersi a ddysgwyd ar y llwybr tuag at gyflawni nodau’r contract – yn hytrach nag aros tan ddiwedd y contract i greu astudiaeth achos (er mae hyn hefyd yn cael ei argymell).
Rydym wedi dod ag amrywiaeth o adnoddau ynghyd i’ch cefnogi ar bob cam o’ch taith caffael.
Ewch i'r dolenni isod i weld yr adnoddau sy'n berthnasol i'r cam hwn.