Ensure you have clear and transparent commercial pipelines, and a good understanding of the market to plan for the procurement process. Pipeline functionality is now available within Sell2Wales to allow you to share your pipelines with the market.
Cofiwch addasu gweithgareddau i'ch cyd-destun lleol, a chymryd camau sy'n gymesur â gwerth, risg, cymhlethdod a phroffil eich gofynion.
Ymgyfarwyddo â deddfwriaeth caffael a Nodiadau Polisi Caffael Cymru (WPPNs).
Ar hyn o bryd, mae prif reolau caffael Cymru wedi'u cynnwys yn y Rheoliadau Contractau Cyhoeddus 2015 (PCR 2015), sy’n berthnasol i bob sefydliad sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru.
Deall eich marchnad ar gyfer y nwyddau neu'r gwasanaethau rydych chi'n eu prynu.
Er mwyn datblygu'r dull caffael cywir, dylech ddeall pwy yw'r cyflenwyr, ble maent wedi'u lleoli a'u maint. Bydd hyn yn eich helpu i ddeall a yw'r cynnyrch neu wasanaeth ar gael yn rhwydd. Dylech wneud hyn drwy ymgysylltu'n gyson â'r farchnad.
Byddwch yn glir ac yn dryloyw ynghylch eich gofynion.
Dylech amlinellu’n glir yr hyn sydd ei angen arnoch o’r broses gaffael. Mae hyn yn cynnwys nodi'r nwyddau neu'r gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen arnoch yn ogystal ag unrhyw ofynion technegol, terfynau amser a chyfyngiadau cyllidebol. Defnyddiwch swyddogaeth cynllunio piblinell GwerthwchiGymru i sicrhau bod eich caffaeliadau yn y dyfodol mor dryloyw â phosibl.
Ystyriwch werth cymdeithasol
In Wales, public sector organisations are required to consider the social value of their procurement activities in the context of the Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015. This means considering how the procurement process can support the local economy, create jobs, and promote sustainability.
Defnyddiwch y gweithdrefnau caffael priodol.
Ar hyn o bryd mae nifer o weithdrefnau caffael gwahanol ar gael yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys partneriaeth arloesi agored, gyfyngedig a deialog gystadleuol. Dylech nodi pa weithdrefn gaffael yr ydych yn bwriadu ei defnyddio, yn seiliedig ar werth a chymhlethdod y caffael, ac ar y farchnad.
5 peth ydych chi angen eu gwybod
Dechrau Arni
Dylai eich briff neu fanyleb gynnwys y canlynol o leiaf:
Bydd cam ‘Cynllun’ y daith gaffael fel arfer yn cynnwys:
- Strategaeth fasnachol;
- Piblinellau cyhoeddedig (neu gynlluniau i'w cyhoeddi); a
- Strategaeth marchnad, gan gynnwys dull o reoli'r farchnad.
Nawr, dylech ddechrau ystyried sut, trwy eich gweithgareddau masnachol a chaffael, rydych yn bwriadu:
- Cyrraedd y saith nod llesiant, y pum ffordd o weithio a’r pedair lens o werth sydd wedi’u cynnwys yn Neddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 7, er mwyn ysgogi mwy o werth cymdeithasol drwy gyflawni effeithiau llesiant yn gyson;
- Alinio opsiynau model cyflawni â strategaethau, blaenoriaethau a pholisïau adrannol a sefydliadol, a rhai Llywodraeth Cymru. Dylech hefyd ystyried yr egwyddorion a geir yn Natganiad Polisi Caffael Cymru; a
- Cefnogi ffyniant economaidd a chroesawu a manteisio ar arloesedd, gan weithio gyda marchnad ymatebol o gwmnïau, a chaniatáu i fusnesau yng Nghymru ffynnu.
In developing your organisation’s commercial strategy you should think about your overall approach to ensure that all procurements and other commercial activities (e.g. income generation) collectively achieve the intended organisational outcomes, and represent social, cultural, environmental and economic value.
Dylai hyn gynnwys:
- Demonstrating how all commercial activities and agreements (e.g. contracts, grants or both) align to the organisation’s wider strategic objectives;
- Anticipating and responding to uncertainty, by ensuring (or having a clear and realistic plan to ensure) there’s sufficient organisational capability, capacity and resilience to address unplanned demands;
- Multidisciplinary and cross-functional teams collaboratively developing a shared understanding of what’s required to achieve the required outcomes, and the agreements that need to be proactively managed and monitored to support this;
- Surfacing any operational issues relating to any agreements, and ensuring clear ownership is assigned to address these in a timely manner;
- Leveraging commercial activities to diversify the public sector supply market across Wales, helping to promote healthy markets by balancing short- and medium-term needs while safeguarding the ability to also meet the long-term needs of supply sectors, and to encourage innovation; and
- Establishing a consistent and proportionate approach to managing risk and reward incentives.
A pipeline notice is one of a number of new transparency requirements that public sector organisations will need to comply with from 28 October 2024, when the new Procurement Act 2023 comes into effect.
Greater transparency of procurement pipelines increases the visibility of planned contracts in Wales and its local regions, allowing businesses and social enterprises more time to prepare. This will support lowering some of the barriers that prevent small Welsh enterprises from bidding for public contracts.
Being transparent about future needs in advance of starting procurement activities:
- Is a vital element of effective and ongoing market engagement;
- Supports working with a responsive market of companies; and
- Supports businesses in Wales to thrive.
Pipeline notices support a number of intended outcomes of the Wales Procurement Policy Statement, including:
- Contracting authorities should publish their procurement pipelines so that opportunities for collaborative procurement can be identified; and
- Transparency is embedded by default into each stage of the procurement lifecycle, through the implementation of the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS).
Embedding transparency in public procurement is also one of the UK Government’s stated aims of the Procurement Act 2023, and publishing notices throughout the end-to-end procurement journey will be central to achieving this.
At this ‘Plan’ stage of the procurement journey, public sector organisations that intend to procure more than £100 million of goods, services and works in a given financial year, will be required to publish a pipeline notice containing information on their potential future procurements that year (where the estimated value for a particular contract exceeds £2 million).
In developing your commercial strategy, you’ll have already considered how your organisation can help promote healthy markets over the short, medium and long term.
You should build on this as part of your market strategy to include different approaches to market management. This is about developing and maintaining a good understanding of the markets that you source from, and appreciating how the commercial activities of the Welsh public sector collectively can influence these markets.
Flexible, risk-based approaches to market management leads to:
- More competitive markets;
- More innovation in product development and service delivery;
- Fewer situations where organisations are over reliant on one or a small number of suppliers; and
- Improved social value for money and wellbeing outcomes.
Sharing market intelligence and insights with fellow commercial and procurement practitioners in the Cyd community, will further support better market management across the whole public sector in Wales.
- Foundational Economy Online Learning Resource (there are 8 sections to this course and it’s recommended to complete the module in one sitting, which will take between 30 – 45 minutes. It’s particularly recommended for people involved in developing economic policies and projects, and those working in public sector procurement. The course is designed to leave learners feeling more informed and confident)
Cylch Caffael a Chyflenwi CIPS
Yng Nghaerfyrddin mae tafarn 'Cylch Caffael a Chyflenwi' a ddatblygwyd gan y Sefydliad Siartredig Caffael a Chyflenwi (CIPS) yn cynnwys 13 cam i'ch arwain drwy'r broses gaffael ar gyfer nwyddau a gwasanaethau. Ar y cam cynnar hwn yn y broses, mae'r camau canlynol o'r 'Cylch Caffael a Chyflenwi' CIPS yn werth eu hystyried:
- Diffinio anghenion busnes a datblygu manyleb;
- Dadansoddiad o'r farchnad a phenderfyniad 'gwneud neu brynu'; a
- Datblygu'r strategaeth a'r cynllun.
Sero Net
Wrth ddatblygu eich strategaethau masnachol a marchnad, ystyriwch sut i fynd i'r afael ag allyriadau carbon drwy eich caffaeliadau a'ch contractau
- Mae caffael yn ffynhonnell sylweddol o allyriadau CO2e, ac felly mae hefyd yn swyddogaeth hollbwysig o ran cyflawni targed sero net Llywodraeth Cymru erbyn 2030. Mae’r targed hwn yn cynnwys lleihau allyriadau Cwmpas, sy’n gysylltiedig â gweithgareddau amrywiol, megis teithio busnes, eich gweithwyr yn cymudo, gwaredu gwastraff, a chludo cynhyrchion – ni all gweithwyr proffesiynol caffael a masnachol gyflawni hyn ar eu pen eu hunain, felly meddyliwch am ba mor ymglymedig yw eich sefydliad cyfan yn y broses hon.
- Bydd yr Adnodd Asesu Risg Cynaliadwyedd/Adnodd Mapio Polisi, sy’n cael ei ddatblygu ar hyn o bryd, yn cael ei argymell ar gyfer nodi meysydd i’w lleihau mewn caffael, a bydd rhannu’r wybodaeth hon yn hwyluso ymgysylltiad cynnar â’r farchnad.
- Mae ymchwil yn hanfodol ym maes caffael – canolbwyntiwch ar newidiadau yn y farchnad, technolegau newydd, a dulliau gwasanaeth amgen.
- Mae cyfathrebu effeithiol gyda chyflenwyr yn ystod ymgysylltiad cynnar â'r farchnad hefyd yn hanfodol. A ydych ar yr un dudalen mewn perthynas â nodau sero net.
- Defnyddiwch y canllawiau sydd ar gael i chi. Mae'r Nodyn Polisi Caffael Cymru (WPPN) 12/21 yn cynnig gwybodaeth fanwl am leihau allyriadau CO2e mewn cadwyni cyflenwi, gan gyfrannu at nod sero net 2030 ar gyfer y sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru.
Rydym wedi dod ag amrywiaeth o adnoddau ynghyd i’ch cefnogi ar bob cam o’ch taith caffael.
Ewch i'r dolenni isod i weld yr adnoddau sy'n berthnasol i'r cam hwn.